Eating in the ‘Centre-Sud’ Calendar – September 2022

New this month:

  • The next CARAA meeting will take place Monday September 12 and 26 from 10 AM to noon at 2375 rue Ste-Catherine Est. The themes we discuss will be related to food issues and the upcoming provincial election. Infos: (514) 525-6611 or
  • Check out several job offers at Carrefour Solidaire : Aide-cuisinier-ère, Animateur-rice en éducation alimentaire, Agent-e des bénévoles, and Coordo en communications et financement. Info : or 514-525-6611.
  • Eat Think Vote Event – provincial edition, Wednesday September 14th from 5 to 7 PM. A light meal will be served and childcare will be available.
  • Fall programming at Carrefour St-Eusèbe : Open house on September 9th from 10 to noon followed by a corn roast from noon to 2PM. Community meals wednesdays and fridays from noon to 1:30 PM. See the complete programming here.
  • Votre Quartier Nourricier en Fête Event: Thursday September 29th from 4 to 7 PM at Walter Stewart Park. Animation on the local food system and light food will be served. More details to come. For information: 514-523-9220.
  • Limited time only! Improvised harvest workshops: September 8, 15, 22 and 29th from 5 to 7:30 PM at 2375 rue Ste-Catherine Est, we are offering drop-in workshops to cook up surplus garden harvests into delicious meals! No registration required, pay what you can. Just show up or contact Olivia with questions at 514-525-6611 or
  • Volunteer opportunity in the gardens! Help close the gardens!. Multiple dates available, you can take home some harvests as thank-you. Register here or 514-525-6611.

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