Become a Volunteer at the Carrefour

Hooray! You want to volunteer at the Carrefour! There are several ways to contribute your time. First, we invite you to sign up by filling out the form below. (Note that this is the same form as the one for becoming a member. If you don’t want to become a member, simply select that option on the form). We will get back to you by email with volunteer opportunities afterwards:

Volunteer opportunities available to folks who have signed up include shifts:

  • In the kitchen (e.g. help with meal preparation)
  • At our grocery store and seasonal market (e.g. stocking shelves, helping customers)
  • In cooking workshops for children, teens and adults (e.g. Boîte à Lunch Centre-Sud)
  • In the gardens (e.g. spring and fall: chores to build and landscape the Promenade des saveurs)
  • In the office (e.g. data entry and reception tasks)
  • For different one-off events (e.g. Holiday distribution, fundraising campaigns)

Marché Solidaire Frontenac and our 3 Paniers Grocery Store rely on a participatory model that invites community members to contribute their time for a 3 to 4-hour volunteer shift. To volunteer at the market, grocery store or in the kitchen, you must first register as a member of the Carrefour, and then you can reserve your own volunteer shift:

If you have any questions about volunteering at Carrefour solidaire, please don’t hesitate to contact Marie-Andrée at 514-525-6611 or