Committee for Action and Reflection on Food Autonomy

Want to share your experiences and take action for social justice and the right to food? The CARAA is here for you!

What is the Committee? 

The Committee for Action and Reflection on Food Autonomy (CARAA) is composed of Centre-Sud residents who are living or having experienced living in food insecurity. It is part of the Récoltes Solidaires program and is co-facilitated by Peer Helpers and the Carrefour team. The committee is a way to promote empowerment and food autonomy through:

  • Reflecting on the difficulties we experience when trying to feed ourselves well, and
  • Engaging in concrete action and advocacy led by committee members

CARAA is particularly interested in the idea of a fundamental right to food. If you want to learn more about the subject, check out this tool prepared by the Agricultural and Agri-Food Law Clinic of the Faculty of Law of McGill University.

How Can I Participate?

  • When: The committee meets twice a month on Tuesdays from 2 to 4 p.m.
  • Where: at the Carrefour solidaire office (2385 rue Sainte-Catherine Est)
  • Registration: contact Lizzie at 514 525-6611 or at to participate in the committee

Presentation of a Brief on Food Waste!

At a City of Montreal public consultation, CARAA presented a brief on the danger of linking food waste issues to food insecurity. Read the brief by clicking below!